
18-21s How many of you agree with the US drinking age?

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I am from the UK but I have been in the states for nearly three months now, and time and time again I come to think about the American drinking age.

I don't understand the logic in being entrusted with the resposbility of choosing the next president but not the responsibility to decide whether you want to drink....




  1. they can kill people in the war but they can drink alcohol....

    im glad that i dont live in the US

  2. I agree, and you can join the military and die for your country but you can't have a drink. Give me a break.

  3. If your old enough to vote and die for your country .You should have the same rights as all adults to Drink alcohol.

  4. I think it should be 16, that way they get it out of there system earlier and start maturing. european kids seem to have it together I guess because it's not such a big deal. hear we tell kids that there not grown ups until there 21, and go out and get waisted

  5. dnt worry soon the u.k will be 21 coz they seem to copy everything they do, well our gov does anyway

  6. I don't think you've given a logical arguement for reducing the drinking age either...In fact you're using "argumentum ad populum" and "argumentum ad hominem" to boast a "non sequitur" claim that one's self determination is no more greater than one's right to drink when clearly self determination is more important.

    Saying "The government deems me responsible enough to vote" means "Therefore I should be allowed to drink too" is simply "argumentum verbosium" offering no proof that a society would benefit better by having younger drinkers rather than younger voters.

    The problem with "argumentum verbosium" is that anything is right so long as you say it is...

    EXAMPLE "The government deems me responsible enough to join an armed service, therefore I should be allowed to start my own armed militia"

    So anyone who runs their mouth is right.

    Hopefully this shows you that "Logic" and "Politics" (Popular or Otherwise) do not always mix.

  7. join the millions of high school students that do drugs instead, they are easier to get than drink when you are under age. some usa laws are just fvcked, you have to work with them..

    not that i ever drank or did drugs illegally ever in any country, just go to uk or holland for that stuff... never do anything illegal.

  8. The legal drinking age,  voting or going into military service has nothing to do with each other.  Driking itself can be done in the privacy of your own home.  This is only a short phase you will go through in life before you stop drinking after you realize how useless it is to allow any substance to abuse you.  Why not get over it already and not drink at all. Think of all the brain cells that you will save by not drinking and how you will not end up like so many old people with dementia and alzheimers.

  9. I agree you shouldn't be allowed to vote until your 21 either...

  10. its easy to buy a gun in u.s.

    but buy a drink? no chance lol.

  11. The law used to be that you couldn't vote until the age of 21.  It was lowered because of the draft which is no longer in effect.  People realized the hypocrisy that an 18-20 year old could be drafted and sent into a war zone but was unable to cast a vote to determine the leadership of this country.  Was the draft was revoked, the age to vote stayed the same.

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