
18 Holes in Golf Course I pared Half a Birdied the Rest whats My score~?

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18 Holes in Golf Course I pared Half a Birdied the Rest whats My score~?




  1. Nine under par.

  2. 1. Golfers don't use incorrect grammar.

    2. Golfers that make birdies would know how to find their score and also know that you can't ask a regular guy what score you get because they don't know par.

    3. I'm sure that you didn't make exactly 9 birdies and 9 par's.

    Not one par 4 that you shot over the green? Not one hooked driver shot into the water and take a penalty? Not one bad hole?  If I made half birdies, my score would be 7 birdies, 8 par's, 2 Bogie's, 1 triple Bogie.

  3. You would be 9 under -9 that must have been some :)

  4. Anyone who hits like that would know their own score.

  5. Sounds like you were playing putt putt with your friends,because a REAL golfer would never have to ask such a stupid question.

  6. I didn't realize that Tiger Woods posted questions here.

    Get a life.

  7. 9 under.  To know the stroke count you'd have to tell us what par for the course was.  For a typical par 72 course you'd have a 63.

  8. -9

  9. You scored 9 below par. Or (-9).

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