
18 Lashes of the cane for sniffing a woman's armpit? If a woman sniffed a man's armpit, would the smell be..

by Guest60285  |  earlier

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enough of a punishment?;_ylt=AoCHKBEJz3woY8ywErf1KYcZ.3QA




  1. "He molested 23 women over the course of 15 months, smelling their armpits and touching them in lifts, staircase landings and their homes, the paper said"

    I wonder if women did this would it be referred to as 'molesting'. You gotta love that d**n feminism boy I tell ya.

  2. I use MITCHUM-strong enough to skip a day!!!!

  3. Oh looks like I'm in trouble then, men's armpits and chest hair are nice to sniff. :(

  4. LOL ! It is a "sad but funny story" !!!!!!!!! And then we wonder, what is so wrong with "our Society" !!!!!

  5. Excuse me...

    but the way I see it is.............

    the invasion of privacy and inappropriate touching was the real crime...

    When sniffing each other is a mutual thing no jail time is involved......


  6. Hmm. But if a women did this to a man it would be considered as she being interested in you and/or being playful

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