I have a 17.5 month old son, when he drinks his juice, water etc he will only drink it warm, he wont have it the slight bit cold! Now i think when he was younger and they said to give him cool boiled water, it was always slightly warm, so it's probably my fault for that, but i never thought it would be an issue for him to have cold or at least slightly cold drinks! He just spits it straight back out! I really don't know what to do, it's a pain as when we're out he hardly drinks as his drinks aren't warm enough! Has anyone else experienced this if so how'd you deal with it? I have tried gradually getting colder with the drinks and it doesn't work, i have tried just leaving him with cold drinks as an only option for a drink, that doesn't work either and he becomes constipated with lack of fluid! HEEEELP!! :)