In Earth Science class, I need to complete an assignment titled "Water Survey". Here are the directions:
"Interview 10 adults. First ask the survey questions. If they answer yes, ask them the corresponding follow up question and record their responses..."
The thing is, I couldn't find 10 adults I could interview.
So it would be super great if you could answer these questions for me, if you have the time!
Thanks! (:
Here are the questions:
1. In Santa Clara County, do you know where we get our water? (If you know the answer, specify where you think it is from. Same for all the questions below.)
2. Do you know where Southern California gets their water? (Specify)
3. Do you think Northern California shares its water with Southern California? (Specify)
4. Can you identify a major water issue in California today?
You can say no to all of the questions. But if you do know the answer, specify what you think it is.