
18 Pregnant Girls---Should They Keep The Babies?

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!8 girls from Massachusetts made a pact to have babies at once.

Should they keep the babies, adoption, abortion?

Your thoughts?

Has this ever happened in history where girls have children in such a large number as this? Not talking about singly by in the dozens. They are high school girls.




  1. Well they wanted to have the babies so there is a pretty good chance that they will have them.

    Should they adopt or abort them ...NO

    They should not have done it in the first place.

  2. It's entirely their choice. They obviously want to keep the babies. Are they silly for falling pregnant so young? Maybe, but who's to say they can't do it? Mothers in their 30's are no better than the teen mums. Maybe they aren't completely ready but good luck to them!

  3. Like in all situations, it should be their decisions. If they planned to get pregnant, they prob want to be pregnant and have their babies. It is not our decision to make.

  4. Who's really going to be $$$ for the care of these babies?  Sure they made a pact........but I'm guessing its going to be these girls parents.  I remember being a teen and there aren't that many good paying jobs out there for them.

  5. it is their choice.  they made a pact to have the kids, so obviously they are choosing to go through with it.

  6. they agreed to have them, keep them and raise them together. Its their choice, no one elses.

  7. Some will, and some won't. But they all need to have their asses kicked for enveloping cluelesness.

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