
18 Year old English lad looking to immigrate to Australia need advice and help thanks folks?

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Hi Everybody

Right question time;

I am looking into immigrating to Aus via the skilled working/regional visa, I have just completed a level 3 diploma in Horticulture that entails the following areas of work:

·Basic Botany

·Plant Classification

·Soil Science

·Plant Nutrition

·Plant Pests, Diseases & Problems

·Organic Gardening


·Basic Propagation

·Amenity Horticulture, Plant Groups and Families

·Planting and Plant Care

·Plant Notes and Indigenous Plants

·Exotic Plants

·Indoor Plants


As I have just finished this course I have yet to gain my 2 years of working experience required to gain the visa BUT what I was thinking is that if I went out to Aus for the 2 years working hol visa and did say harvest work fruit picking forestry and general gardening work would that count as the experience experience required to immigrate to aus as a general gardener it is on the sol list.

Any help on this topic would be very helpful in my dream to moving to Aus.




  1. Welcome, Campbell!

    I can't predict what the Immigration Department will say to you, but I wish you luck.

    Just to point out that the propagation methods, types of plants, soils, seasons, and so on will be very different from what you've studied in Blighty....

    With your diploma in Horticulture you should theoreticallty be able to able to do much better than just "general gardener", but you will need to gain that local expertise mentioned above. TAFE colleges would be able to help you with that, for example:

    They take a very flexible approach and you might be able to get credit for subjects already completed.

    The temperate southern states, like Victoria where I live,  would be the closest to the style of horticulture you would be used to.  On the other hand, the sub-tropical and tropical style of the northern half of the country is completely different, there being essentially only two seasons there - wet and dry.

    EDIT:  Have you heard of the famous horticulturist, Peter Cundall?  He is a national treasure and true fount of knowledge!  (originally also from the UK)


  3. Apply to Lovegrove turf services.

    I live around the corner from their Wattle Grove farm.

    They are literally huge.

    They lay lawn for the City of Perth and services all the schools and they are really massive.

    if one of their farms qualifies as a regional primary industry to get your 2nd year visa extension and also working there qualifies you for that 2 years work experience, then your home and hosed!

  4. There are some beautiful tropical islands in north queensland around the Whitsunday area - landscaping/gardening work would be available I'm sure

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