
18 Years old and getting bald spots all over......?

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I'm only 18 years old and I'm already losing my hair...I mean yea it runs in my family, but I'm only 18 and i have to have my hair absolutely perfect to not notice it. It is so thin in some spots you can see my scalp and they have no hairs in it at all. All the hair towards the back of my head are so long and come all the way up to the front so that it covers them up. When I get a haircut it takes 2 hours because my barber trys to make it perfect because he knows that Im trying to hide it. What can I do?




  1. Baldness ran on my fathers side of the family and I was the unlucky one to be hit with it too.. by 20 was virtually bald so I went to a clinic and had hair replacement (non surgical)

    depends on how serious you are and how much it affects you, some will live with it and some will do something coz it just affects them too much

    hair regrowth meds only work on ive hair cells so if there dead you'll have no results, you can try a few and see if anything happens and if not either live with it or try non-surgical or surgical methods but do a heap of research before you go down any route.

    good luck

  2. The best thing to do for your well being is to stop trying to hide it. You have to live with the facts. so i suggest you take the matter in your own hands and  get a real close buzz cut or even a shaved head and be proud of it. Better be bald by choice than be half way bald by nature.

  3. you probably have alopecia.

    it's a hairloss disorder.

    try asking your doctor about it and look it up on wikipedia.

    good luck! :]

  4. Id see a dr and nip this in the bud right now.  While your still young.  DONT wear hats though, it will make it worse, or so im told.

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