
18 and can't get a job anywhere?

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I graduated high school in June and I've been actively looking for employment since then. I've applied to many places: Best Buy, Blockbuster, Target, Macys, Old Navy, and Walgreens to name a few.

I've only gotten one interview from all the places I've applied at Starbucks, but they didn't hire me. I have no previous work experience... not even babysitting or volunteering, even though I worked at Meals on Wheels for 4 days, but that doesn't really count.

I had a B average in high school and I never got involved in clubs or anything like that. I'm about to go to a local community college in September, but I would to have a job to bring in some money but no one is hiring me. I can do the work and I really need a job. It's so frustrating... what do I do?




  1. It's kind of funny-my husband has a business and can't find anyone willing to work! That said, you may want to take a look at the job board at your local community college. Sometimes local employers will put up a "help wanted" ad. You didn't say what area of the country you're from, so I don't know how many local businesses there are. You also didn't mention what your intended major will be. If I were you, I'd try to focus on finding a job that is somehow related (however remotely) to your field of study.

    Most of all, don't give up. Also, try to honestly assess why someone would (or would not) hire you. Are you well dressed and well groomed when you apply for a job? Are you using good penmanship and filling out the application completely? Are you a positive, pleasant person that has good communication skills? These things are all important to employers, so do some serious self-assessment to see if any of those things need a bit of "upgrading".

    Good luck!

  2. You're just SOL. I read all about it in the Sunday paper this week. Kids your age are not getting jobs these days because older people are getting preference. Older people normally wouldn't be applying for the same kinds of jobs that kids your age usually do, but these days everyone is desperate. Older people get preference because they're more reliable and usually keep the job longer. They're also available to work more hours per week.  

  3. sign onto a agency

  4. It may be the way you interview, you can probably find some sites that give you advice on how to present yourself and answer interview questions.

    Try the fast food industry just to get some experience. There's a lot of equipment that you have to be 18 to operate and a lot of times they are looking for older teens.  Also a lot of fast food places offer benefits to full time employees.

    Good luck

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