
18 and in vegas..but bored as all h**l

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i am lookin fora club or somethoing to do..not much for shows as fasr as that goes..haha if anyone near my age that lives out hewre can tell me where a good place to meet people is(preferably girls) that'd be this point id settle for walkin the strip and smokingg a cig




  1. Your hotel your staying at might have a offer to a club or have a bus that goes to a club. Go down to the lobby and ask where good clubs are.  

  2. You can always just hang in the Miracle Mile Shops, The Forum shops, Fashion Place mall.  There are always lots of girls shopping!

    Have fun!

  3. Go to the Palms hotel/casino. All of the playboy bunnies are there, and the last time my mom went out to vegas, without me, she said she went to the palms, and there were a lot of young female adults there, all dressed up. she said she wasnt going back cuz she didnt like it, but u being a guy, you would probably love it. we are set to going to vegas this sept., for 2 weeks and i do want to visit the palms because my mom said its one of the very few casinos that has a kid area, and my hubby and i have a 4 year old and a newborn. just be extremely careful if you visit any strip clubs or anything directly "off" the strip because it can be dangerous. Good luck though. my mom met my dad at the stardust hotel/casino out there, got married and i was born at the southern memorial hospital. hope you have a fun and safe trip!

  4. There are no boring events just boring people.  What will you do about that?

  5. been there done that. If you want to meet club going girl that smokes then hang out in clubs she will probably have some fun disease  because I am sure this is not her first time in a club. If she is a club goer then she has probably met guys just like you every night. Smoking is so 10 years ago. Seriously it is so nice not to smoke anymore. I don't stink anymore and my girlfriend enjoys kissing me more. I can also last longer...don't get winded. Unless you get a girl who doesn't want it for very long.

    If you want to meet a girl that is gonna be way above the rest then meet her somewhere that you have interest in. Hiking clubs, cooking class, art class, must have some future goals that a cheap short class will help out with. UNLV and CSN have classes year round for non-students.

    If you want to settle for being boring and typical then that is who you are going to meet. If you want interesting girls then go somewhere they will be interesting. Find a hot smart nerd/ much better then a club going stupid and easy one.

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