
18 hour car ride with a 1 and a half year old.?

by Guest60102  |  earlier

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My sister, niece and I are driving from Chicago, IL to Kissimmee FL, and its about an 18 hour car ride. And for the most part(besides rest room breaks and to get gas, etc) we are going to try and drive straight thru. I'm worried for my niece being stuck in the car that long! What are some things to keep her entertained for awhile? I feel so bad for her...





  1. I really think that you need to make little stops along the way to break up the car ride for her - even if it' s just to run around for 10 min. at rest stops. You're right, it would be terrible for her to be stuck in the car for so long.

  2. she'll probably sleep most of the way. some people purchase portable dvd players, but i'm against that personally, i think it gives children the impression that they're supposed to be entertained all of the time. unless the child is extremely hyper, she should be fine. try leaving early in the evening and driving overnight, that way she should sleep through most of it. my sisters and i took 12 hour car rides when i was a kid and we got through it. my son is 11 months and he normally just sleeps through the rides and when he's awake, he just looks out the windows.

  3. I just did this over the summer with 4 year old twins and an 18 month old, but it was only 11 hours.  You probably wont be able to avoid some tantrums, but bring alot of things to entertain them...books, toys....snacks....i brought lollipops for when it got really hairy!  You may want to invest in a portable DVD player also?

  4. We haven't had problems with little ones on long car rides... however you do have to stop at many of the rest stops along the way to let them out of the car for a while, give them a chance to walk/run around from time to time.

    It also means that travel is going to be slower than you likely expect.  That 18 hour car ride might really be 22 to 24 hours.

  5. 18 months is a good age to do this drive, I think.  But there will be times where your niece feels like she has had enough of the car sitting.  I would make sure that you have lots of little activities for her to do... (think dollar store, new sunglasses, little dolls, board books, anything shiny or rattly that will be interesting)  If they are toys she has never played with before, it will make the time they hold her attention longer.  

    I would plan to not worry much about whole meals during travel, and instead pack lots of healthy small snacks.  If she can have some raisins, cheese cubes, crackers, etc. whenever she starts to get ansty, she will stay happier.  

    Make sure you have her comfort things with you to help when she is tired but not able to fall right to sleep in her car seat.  (Blanky, pacifier, bottle with milk, whatever!)  Now is NOT the time to worry about breaking that last baby habit!  

    Pack TONS of wipes, because they will clean up the many messes that WILL happen.  

    Make sure she is dressed easy and comfy, and that she can be adjusted to hot (sun shining right in on her) and cold (air conditioner).  A blanket (or beach towel) will help her cozy in to sleep easier.

    If she enjoys a show, I would consider using a portable DVD player some, but 18 mo olds don't usually focus on TV for long periods yet.  

    Be prepared to stop, to sing ABC's and If you're happy and you know it... many more times than you would like.  

    You and your sister should take turns sitting up front together and in the back with little one... she will need to learn to occupy herself, but will also be happier with some attention from time to time.

    Good luck to you, enjoy your trip.  What a great opportunity to bond with your sister and her little girl!  Have fun!

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