
18 looking to adopt?

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i am 18 yrs old, and looking to adopt a baby.

i live in the uk, live with my mum, am unemployed at the moment (but i can get a job if i need to) and happily single.

will these factors effect my chances of adopting a baby?




  1. Honey, just because Branjelina are doing it, doesn't mean you have to do it to.


  3. I doubt you will meet he requirements of a "responsible parent".  

    Why are you wanting to be a mother right now?  Enjoy these years as a young woman....they will go by so fast!  Your time will come.  Why not babysit or work for a daycare....that will give you contact with babies with out having the responsibility 24/7.  Good luck honey!

  4. Are you crazy?

  5. i dont think they will believe you are "responsible" and you are too  young.!!

  6. I take it you must be CRAZY bout babies and children, right? Well, think about it this way - you only see the children at daytime, when they get fussy you hand them over to their mother to take care of them. Think bout how it will be when YOU are that mother. I know it sound stupid but one day you'll be glad that you didn't have a child so young, because yes, all the factors you named will make it difficult if not impossible for you to adopt a child.

    One day you will not be happy single and you will look for a partner and you'll want to date him and go for romantic weekends, you can't do that if you have a child. Chances might even be that he doesn't want a child that is not his own. I also thought a baby would mean the world to me when I was younger, but be fair, what have you got to offer a child, without a house, car, job? I'm older now and still want to have a baby, but not right now.

    Enjoy life while you can!

  7. I am sorry to say this but I am getting really sick of hearing this from kids who want to procure a baby so they look trendy.  You are way too young to deal with the effects that adoption has on adoptees.

    Why oh why didn't Madonna do us all a favor and bypass Africa and go shopping at the local animal shelter to buy a puppy?  Instead she and her ilk of publicity hogs went shopping for human beings and now we are cursed with celeb wannabes.

  8. I can see you do not have nothing going for your self in life. You are young and have the whole world in your hands have fun. Get your things together then have your own baby.

    There are too many women that have lived life that are ready to have children waiting to adopt. Why are you playing with there chances of adopting.

    You can not give that baby what it needs right now. Stop playing your game.

  9. No way

    Why don't you volunteer in a friendship scheme for disadvantaged kids, I'm sure you'd find it very rewarding and may find your vocation in life

  10. I hope no one gives you a baby.  You are a baby.   You aren't even old enough to understand

    a.  why you need money to raise a child

    b.  why you need an education to get money

    c.  why a child needs a mother AND a father

    d.  and why you need to live, grow up, study, travel, have a life, be a person before haveing a tiny baby depending on you.

    Of coarse you can go out and get pregnant.    The a helpless baby will be stuck with a mother who can't afford to buy him/her clothes, toys, medical care, music lessons, ect.

    A mother who will get tired of parenting, (parenting is hard work.  There's a reason one child needs two parents.  So that when one parent needs a break, the other can step in)  a mother who will eventually think,  I could date more, have more fun if I didn't have this kid hanging on me all the time.

    Please let yourself grow up and live before sticking a baby with you for a mother.

  11. why?

  12. if they dont influnce it they should

  13. There are many many criteria you need to meet before an adoption would even be considered. I doubt that 18 yrs of age would meet the criteria. You also need to be employed and provide proof that you can financially bring up a child. Saying that your Mother will help you will not be acceptable. You need a health checkup, several actually. You will require a psychological assessment, a criminal check and this is only the start. The best thing to do is get the relevant information and speak to someone who handles adoptions.

  14. you cant.

    you have to be about 30 to adopt an infant, make x amount of money a year, and im not sure what the uk's rule on single mothers adopting is. living with your mum will for sure bring your chances waaaay down.

    wait a few years. like, ten. maybe get married and GET A JOB. then try to adopt if you still want to

  15. Yes first you have to be able to support a baby!  They will require you to be married under the age of 25 and most likely even when you are older.  They prefer a two parent home but not always.  Your age is going to stop you from adopting.

  16. most agencys wont even let u adopt untill ur at least 25,have a home of ur own and you have 2 have a job but good luck anyways and God bless you

  17. This cannot be a serious question.

    If it IS a serious question then the very reason that you are asking it demonstrates one of the many reasons why you will not be considered as an adoptive parent.

  18. I doubt any adoption agency anywhere in the world would consider turning an adoptive child over to an 18-year-old parent.

  19. Taking care of a baby is expensive,  and being unemployed isnt gonna help.

  20. All of those factors will affect your chances. They are looking for people who:

    Can provide for the baby (ie are not unemployed but in well paid jobs)

    Have a steady income and are self reliant (ie not living at home with their parents)

    Being single is a big blow (being married is a big tick in the adoption world)

    + the fact that you are 18 is the last thing that will bring you down (most adoptive services are looking for candidates 30+ and any will not even consider you because you are 18).

    Sorry to disappoint you but your chances are zero to none.

  21. You can be assured they will!  There are so many couples who have been on waiting list for a very long time that will come before you.  Get on a list, get a job first, and wait your term.

  22. Why dont you ring up an adoption agency yourself and ask them what there criteria is for adopting a child and then you would have heard it from the horses mouth!
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