
18 month old - background noise while sleeping?

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My 18 month old son is a very poor sleeper. He objects bedtime and naptime, and he'll sleep for only a few hours before waking up and screaming. In all other areas of his behavior, he's very mellow.

I have noticed that he will happily doze off on the couch if I put on a Wiggles or Teletubbies video (with lots of music).

Thus, should I try using a radio to help my son fall asleep when he's in his room?




  1. if it helps i say go for it, more sleep for every one!

  2. Our 9 month old girl was the same.

    If we have a hi fi on she will sleep easily,she hates going to bed(cot).

    Sometimes we just had to put her in and she would scream the place down, but if we didn`t we got no sleep either.

    Still, every morning when she wakes up she is always laughing!

    We put a ticking clock in her room in the end, brill!

  3. definitely! At the daycare i worked out there was a lot of noise that could wake the babies so we always had the cd player on while they were sleeping. I believe they had a lullaby cd. I always thought it was a good idea. I got a classical cd from wal mart that i intend to play while my baby sleeps! Good luck!

  4. It might help to put a CD player in his room. That way you can play music for him. Soft or loud, which ever works. It might help to try a noise machine. Noise Machines make sounds like an ocean wave, or birds, and even cities! Good luck!

  5. Our 8 month old girl was the same.

    If we have a hi fi on she will sleep easily,she hates going to bed(cot).

    Sometimes we just had to put her in and she would scream the place down, but if we didn`t we got no sleep either.

    Still, every morning when she wakes up she is always laughing!

    We put a ticking clock in her room in the end, brill!

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