
18 month old with lactose intolerant?

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back when my son was 8 weeks they put him on soy formula because of his constant lose and runny (water) diapers. when he turned 1 we were given the ok to do whole milk and he was fine for a while but know that he is 18 months he has had lose to a pudding texture bowel movements for a month know . so at a recheck today on his thrush i was told to go back to soy milk and he also has a rash that i was told was contact dermatitis.

is it possible for him to be intolerant to the lactose and then be fine with it and then not be able to digest it again. or could it be a allergy because of the rash and the runny p**p and the thrush.

i didn't seem to think about asking all of this until i got back home.




  1. It is possible. I have been intolerant to whole milk since birth. But I can drink it in very small amounts. Any thing more I get very sick. This may be the same for your son. Have him tested for allergies to be  sure.

  2. generally, once you're intolerant, until you're much older, you're not going to grow out of it.. you can be less intolerant, but, if you then expose yourself to the item, you'll go back to it, I'm sure.

    I have a grandson who is, and he's 3 now, and getting better, according to my daughter..

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