
18 months no period?

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I have not had a period for over 18 months.

I am early 20s and I have only ever had regular periods when I was taking the pill over 3 years ago. I am now married and my husband has recently been diagnosed with bipolar2 but his first episode was over 2 years ago so I am definitely stressed, and since his diagnosis a few months ago I have been treated for depression. oh yes and i am also very over weight for my 5ft body. Also I know that I am very dehydrated as will only ever drink a glass of fluid each day.

I know I need to loose weight and drink water but do you think i should see my GP about this? I'm sure in a few years I will want to have a baby and i want to be able to but i am scared.

I feel so silly as i know i should go see my GP and also loose weight and drink water and ill be fine (will I?) I don't smoke drink alcohol or take drugs.




  1. Girl, you do sound way stressed and that can be the cause. I think you should start to take the steps need to better your situation. Start drinking more....anything! You need more than one glass of fluid, as you put it, a day. So today drink two, three tomorrow, until you are up to the required amount. Start doing things that are more productive as a couple, maybe take a walk after work each day...go for a small one with the hubby, take about 20 to 30 min, and talk with each other about your day and get a little exercise at the same time. (kills two birds with one stone!) Once you two build a pattern it will be easy to follow and add to it. Talk to your Dr. about what can be done, but I can tell you this, you'll feel better mentally and physically if you get all this stuff going before you try for a baby. You can build a good time line with your Dr to find out where you need to be, and your relationship and you will be better off in the long run!  YOU CAN DO THIS! Take care, Hon.  

  2. i think u best off asking docs even if u feel silly, trust me i have been to docs loads about female problems over last four years.

    but end of day i would rather feel silly or watever and make sure my health is ok tbh.

  3. I am not much of a doctor, but you may be pregnant. I dont think being overweight effects your period.  

  4. maybe ask ur mom or go on one of those doctor websites

  5. if you lose the weight and some stress your period should come back. its not to late to have a baby... GOOD LUCK

  6. You should defnitely see a doctor!  I have a friend who is only 31 and found out she just completely passed thru menopause.  It could be for a variety of reasons, so go to the doctor!  Good luck:)

  7. There's no way you you could be pregnant for 18 months. The menstrual cycle is a very sensitive thing and can become irregular for a number of reasons.Such as :Significant weight gain or loss


    Poor nutrition (or a diet too high in carbohydrates)


    Drug use


    Excessive alcohol use (interfering with how the liver metabolizes estrogen and progesterone)

    Eating disorders

    Increased stress

    Polycystic ovarian syndrome/estrogen dominance

    Uterine abnormalities (fibroids/cysts/polyps/endometriosis)

    Hormonal imbalance related to perimenopause



    Recent childbirth, miscarriage, or D&C


    I have a irregular one myself. The longest I went was about 8 months. I thought I was pregnant, but after going to the doctor I found out i wasn't nor was anything wrong. It's alway better to be safe then sorry, so on that not you should go see your Doctor.  
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