
18 year old girl should she pay room and board?

by Guest57175  |  earlier

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My girlfriend has a 18 year old daughter that did not finish high school this year it would have been her senior year. I have pushed and pushed her to get enrolled in school to at least get her GED. She is working at a fast food place for 20 hours a week and mall concision for 22 hours a week. Should she pay some sort of room and board if yes, how do you decide how much that should be.




  1. h**l yeah she should pay room and board, she didn't graduate this year, and why, but she has a job so she needs to pay her way, again she is 18, the age of majority, when she can do mostly anything she wants legally, so she should legally pay her way.  Paying room and board will teach responsibility and get her use to paying bills which is a big part of life.  God Bless.

  2. I think that charging her room and board will teach her responsibility.  My mother did this with me and started off by charging me $100 a month.  She used this money for groceries.

  3. Of course she should. She is an adult know ands it was her choice not to finish high school.

    My parents said, as long as I was at school (even uni) I don't pay,. I work, I pay. She needs to become responsible. How much depends on how much she earns per week.

  4. Okay, a good rule is this:

    A) You either go to school and get passing grades...doesn't matter if it is a trade school, college, GED course, etc. If she goes for this option, help her pay the cost of the classes if at all possible...yeah, we're parents, yeah, we should if at all possible.


    B) If you don't go to school and earn passing grades, then you have to pay rent.  Rent should be at least $150 per month.

  5. She should pay room and board. You can always put it in a special savings account for her so once she is mature enough she might be able to use it for something useful.  I'm not sure how much it should be since figures would be higher for the coastal states than the midwest, but figure between $200-$500 per month.

  6. she doesn't want to finish school so she wants to be a adult so she should have the responsibility of paying bills  yes she should pay 100 to 300 a month she uses the electric, water and i am sure the phone and food  and likes the cable that stuff is not free

  7. Seeing as she is her daughter, I don't think so - however, she MUST do chores and whatever her mother (&you, if she'll listen to you.) say to do.

    Such as getting her GED.

  8. I'd suggest to her mother, to give her 1 or 2 months to get her GED, and after the set date, she has to start paying rent. Start with 150 a month, then after 2 or 3 months raise it to 250 (or whatever), and continue to raise it every 3 months until she moves out. Her mother will have to be the one to do this, not you. She needs to let her know that after 2 months of not getting a GED that she will have to pay rent, or move out, and that rent WILL be raised every few months.

  9. No she shouldn't pay for room and board..If she isn't going to go to school...she should be given 6 -9 months to save her money and told that she needs to have a place to live in 6 -9 months or go back to school..when she sees your serious she will more than likely go back to school....if you say that to her make sure that you follow threw with it..or she ends up having the control over you house.A lot of people I know including myself were told that same thing around her age ..Most of us went back to school ..

  10. I think a child should never have to pay you rent if they are living up to your expectations. She's working more than full time. Great. But it's stil your house and you can still set rules like no guests after 9pm, don't run up our phone bill, help out around the house, etc. If you make it uncomfortable for her to live there she'll probably be motivated to get an apt of her own. And if you want her to get her GED, you can make that a condition of living under your roof.

  11. If she willingly dropped out of school and has no interest in going back even for a GED and plans to continue living at home she should help out around the house with cleaning and stuff like that and buy her own food or put money towards food.  Also if there are extras like internet or cable that she gets to use/watch then she should put something in on the bill.  I would say about $200/month would be a good idea for her to help her mom out but it shouldn't be required to live there but would be nice if she would try to help out.  However, if she is planning to move out on her own within the next 1 to 1 1/2 years then it would be nice if she would help out but also she may need to save the money towards getting her own life started which is ok.  Really your GF and her daughter are going to have to sit down together and talk about the future and what they would like to see happen.

  12. I think as long as there in school and continuing to bettering themselves then they should your situation I really do think she should pay rent 200-300$ and if she goes back to school then she doesn't have to pay it! Thats how it was in my household ....good incentive! Good luck!

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