
18 year old with 1 violation. insurance?

by  |  earlier

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so I've had a clean record for 2 years and about 2 months now and I just got my first speeding ticket for going 60 in a 45, $179 ticket. will my insurance dramatically jump to a point where I can't afford it? how long will it take for my insurance to drop back down again?




  1. plead not guilty and ask the judge for a defensive driving course to take off the points. or just ask him to be nice and not give points. you will have a court surcharge- but better to pay that than skyrocketing insurance!

  2. it should be in about 3 years, i know i california you can do traffic school to get a ticket erased.

  3. it will go up.  after about 5 years violation free should see you  

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