
18 year old with a bike?

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Is 18 too old to get a bike? I want to get a bike so that i can ride it around when i'm bored. I'm also overweight, so riding a bike would definately help. However i odnt want to get laughed at for riding a bike since i'm 18. Most 18 year olds have cars and dont need bikes. But i wouldnt be getting a bike for transportation...i would be getting it for exercising and just so it will give me something to do during the summer.

Would i look stupid riding a bike around?

Answers from teens would be preferred just so i can get their opinions. Thanks.




  1. What's wrong with a bike ?

    Some teens do not have parents that will go out and either buy one or finance one for their teen, as they have to go out and earn the money themselves.

    I see people of all ages riding bikes.

  2. If your wearing exercise gear on then its ok.

    If your playing in the middle of the street with preteens then theres a problem. Haha :)

    Yeah wear exercise gear and do a route. Its great exercise.

  3. i ride a bike everywhere. its really fun and i dont think your being lame for wantiing to ride one. im also 18 and i have to rie mine fr trasportation, do what makes you happy. who cares wht anyone else thinks right?

  4. i'm 18 too and asked for a bike. (I dnt drive either)

    i decided itd be a GREAT way to work out sincei i'm slightly overweight too and a great way to enjoy wen its gorgeous outside.

    you'll hve the last laugh wen you got the greatest legs and they are all fat asses ;D

  5. Whaaaaaaaaat? Na man i ride BMX all the time and i dont get laughed at. Just get props. You're NEVER too old for a bike.

  6. Would i look stupid riding a bike around?

    not when gas hits $5 a gallon, adn you've got more free time to ride, cuz all your friends are working to fill their gas tanks!

  7. im 17 and i ride my bike all the one has ever said anything about my age.....some people (who are lazy) have said that im dumb for not driving but thats about it

  8. put on a leather jacket and a red bandanna and join the killer swhinns.

  9. You're never too old for a bike. Brenda, a lady in my town is over 80 and a regular cyclist. Three things to remember: safety, health, longevity.

    Have fun, get fit, feel free.

  10. I'm not a teen, I'm 22 but when I was in college plenty of kids rode bikes around campus. A lot of kids even rode their bikes to campus from off campus housing. Bottom line, who cares what other people think? If you want to ride a bike...ride one.

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