
18 yr. old female Need HELP!!!!!?

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I am 18 yrs. old I am 5'3" and weigh 220 lbs. I know I am overweight and it seems all the diets I always do fail. I am looking for advice on what to eat what exercises to start out with that wouldnt be so hard besides walking. ANY ADVICE IS BETTER THAN NO ADVICE. Thanks for the help.




  1. Last summer i tried water and eggs. I would eat one or two eggs (without the yolk) for breakfast. It was very filling and yummy with seasonings. And I ate regular food for lunch and sometimes i would skip dinner. I would drink only water. Cutting out soda and ice cream helped me lose 20 pounds. You could buy a mini trampoline to start exersicing with. it's fun (and squeaky) to do while watching tv. But it usually gave me stomach cramps because i have no ab muscles after only 5 minutes. I am so lazy that i dont exersice anymore. And stay away from chocolate. That always makes me gain weight.

  2. Hey, ok first of all you have to be determined; i was 16 when i realised i was over weight. The main thing that kept me going was b/c i always thought how i would change for the best, how i could fit into different clothes, be healthier, and best of all look better. I started going 3 times a week - sometimes more, when i could. Each time i finished a gym session i felt great as i knew my body was changing.

    You should start going to the gym slowly, don't explode in training; try jogging/walking, the cross trainer, bike, rowing machine..etc. For the first month just get yourself used to the machines, don't try too hard or it may be hard  for you to improve from the last time you went. Then pick out your favourite machines, usually best to go with running/crosstrainer as these burn the most calories; and keep improving, keep pushing yourself, to go for longer and higher frequency when you feel up to it. And when you feel you want to give up, but haven't completed the say "10 minutes on cross trainer" find it in you to keep going, think of why you want to loose weight.

    Most importantly, you need to consume less calories than you burn per day. Try not to give up everything straight away as i found this quite impossible..kept coming back to binge, so i tried keeping some snacks/treats, but just enough too keep me going. After a while i realised i did not "need" this kind of food; i still sometimes eat treats but not like i used to.

    I am now 18 and am very happy with the body i have, still go to the gym 3 times a week; and i know i'll still keep going.

    Strength of mind will get you there, just keep thinking why you want to do it; and i'm sure you will.

    So the best of luck to you :)

    P.S Take an ipod!!!! ...or i should say mp3 player lol..when i didnt have one i got bored..but with one i am totally distracted, just jammin and running away heh.

  3. When  losing  weight,  you should follow the dual course: exercise and

    diet  together.  If  you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger

    appetite,  which  will  lead  to  increase  of  weight, or muscle grow

    underneath  the  fat  layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without

    exercising,  you  will  become  flabby  and will have excess skin. For

    diet,  go  wheat  free.  No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food

    after  7  p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on

    your  initial  weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If

    you  don't  eat  wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey

    cakes,  you  don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your

    diet  is  still  balanced.  It  costs  nothing, and you do not have to

    calculate  points  or  to  buy special meals or plans. For exercising,

    start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the

    most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a

    lot,  walk  first  or you may have health complications (heart attack,

    disjointed  bones and so on) For targeting your problem areas, check up these  Workout  Exercises  :  Weight Training, Plyometrics , Stretches (Flexibility),  Pilates,  Ball, Cardio Dumbbells, Cables etc. 100's Of Exercises.  They  have animated photos, so it's easy to understand how

    to do them.

  4. I always liked counting calories... that's what I had the most success with when had dramatic weight loss.  I lost 75 lbs counting calories when I was 16 and I never looked back.  I also used to ride my stationary bike and go for walks.  But if you don't like that I just recommend finding some cardio that you enjoy and can stick with because you should do it at least 4 times a week.  I also did ab work outs so I would have a nice flat belly when the fat was gone.  It's really not as bad as you think and counting calories is nice because you don't have to deprive yourself.  I suggest starting at 1800 for a week, then going to 1500, then dieting at 1200.  That's what I did it's  works wonders and you get used to not really wanting to eat alot. Best of luck.  

  5. All you need to do is burn more calories than you take in.  You cut calories by eating less and doing more-no other ways around it.

    Eat 1600 calories a day of whatever you want basically.  Obviously healthy foods with fiber will keep you full though.

    Exercise 30 minutes most days of the week (4+ days)  I find it easier to split this up into 2.  I go for a morrning 15 minute walk and an evening 15 minute bike ride.  Once it becomes routine, you are so used to it, and you feel weird if you miss it.

  6. mutlivitamin pilll,3 tuna out of the can with only lemon a day , water

    and  jump on a trtampoline or buy dance dance revolution for  ps2,xbox,gamecube and buy a dance mat

    and after a while if u see u can do hardeer stuff play basketball for 2 hours a day..but DDR should do it because i sweat a lot a lot and im  fit


  8. I've been there. I'm the same height as you. At my biggest I weighed 260 lbs. This is what I did to lose weight (and am still doing to continue).

    Make sure you have at least 1,200 calories a day. Break it up into 6 small meals of 200-300 calories each. Space the meals 3-4 hours apart.

    Cadio exercise 5 days a week at least in 30 min. - 60 min. sessions. If you skip one, don't freak out about it. Stay motivated.

    Weightlifting every other day! Eat lots of protein, drink only water and Crystal Light Energy, and get enough fiber/calcium.

    You may want to consider taking a multi-vitamin and calcium+vitamind d supplement.

    Good luck!

  9. first of all, remember: don't worry about how much you weigh, because how you look is really what matters.  

    I would suggest cardio. Anything that gets your heart going. If running is out, biking and swimming are really good, too.

    You could also do extra small exercises to tone places (your arms, legs, ect.), so that once you lose weight, there will be muscle. You can get some weights (little ones. I've used 5 pound and 3 pound, and both will work) and those really really help. I've used water bottles before... just don't do to many at first.

    Salad is amazing for being good for you and low in calories. And it's yummy, too.

    Just remember not to add to much dressing (ranch is one of the worst for you) and easy on things other then the leafy part ^-^

    Count your calories. The secret to losing weight is to take in less calories then you use up. but don't think that means eating tiny amounts of stuff. Snack on things like celery and apples (those take a long time to digest, making you feel full longer)

    Whatever you do, don't obsess. It'll just make you feel bad about yourself and the weight won't come off at all. Trust me...

    I'm overweight myself, (I'm working on it!) and I definitely know what you're going though.

    stay strong!


  10. unless i miss my guess- you're sitting in front of a computer, looking for answers in the wrong place.  here's what i mean- get up off your butt and go to a doctor.  A) the exercise will do you good, and B) a qualified physician will be best able to diagnose and treat your obesity problem.  never start any diet/exercise regimen, or drastically change your lifestyle without first consulting your doctor.  only he/she can tell you what is the best course for your specific needs.  i'm sorry if i sound harsh or critical- i really don't mean it like that- but please take the time and energy to find a healthier way to solve your problems than sitting in front of a machine, asking for help from people who also don't know any better than to spend all of their time sitting in front of a machine...  

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