
18 yrs old..desperate 2 go 2 college but need GED or HSD?

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First of all i am 18 years old...i have 2 kids and haven't been in school since I was 15..I was stabbed in the 10th grade and haven't been in school since...I really wanna get in college...a community college..but I have no GED or high School Diploma..Have anyone ever did the online high school diploma where u take a test and then u pay like 2 or 300.00 and they send you a high school diploma...???...I was thinking about doing that but i wanted 2 hear something positive about it...i also was thinking about getting my ged and going 2 college at the same school, same would i go about doing that..and will financial aid help me either way...if u have any details on either option..the online diplome..or the GED/college at the same time..Please give me your answers..and please be specific..i am so desperate 2 move on in life and get the education i deserve!!!




  1. I wouldnt suggest that you pay online for a HSD. IF you are willing to pay 200 - 300 bucks take that money and get your GED. Once you have done that then apply for theschool of your choice and go take the admissions test. Financial aid will help you if you dont make a lot of money from work and other income sources. IF you are lacking in certain skills it would be best to do the GED first then college as oppose to both at the same time this way you can have the skills needed for success.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. I have heard that you can finish up your high school diploma at a community college.  My son it 19 and still in school trying to get his degree.  One of the alternatives suggested to him was Estrella community college (near our home).  The best bet for you would be to call the college and see if it is possible.  Colleges are wonderful atmospheres to be in.  I think you would really enjoy it.  Plus, the doors to continuing in college for you will have already been opened.  Plus, depending on your income, you might qualify for financial aid.  It could pay for a large portion or all of your college fees.

  3. I would recommend that you get your GED first and foremost. You don't want to put to much on yourself that you might not be able to handle it. Take everything one step at a time. Good luck!

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