
1864-1866 IRS Tax Assessment?

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I've been researching my great-great-great grandfather and I found him in New York City's IRS Tax book for the years 1864-1866. It lists (under article or occupation) "one watch" and next to it (under valuation) 100. "One watch" is listed under several other peoples names (most at the same value, one at 200). The only other objects listed are a piano and a carriage. I was just wondering if anyone could offer any insight to this...of course my first impression is that it is an actual watch but my mom was wondering if it meant something else. So does this mean anything to anyone??

Thank you and I hope I was semi-coherent, at least.




  1. seems pretty straightforward to me.  It is a 'TAX' book.  the article is the item for which the individual is to be taxed.   This was during the Civil War and I guess they instituted a special property tax.  Never knew it, but it must be so, or you wouldn't be asking the question.

  2. The IRS did not exist in the 1800s...To me it sounds as though you are referring to a will!

    Income taxes (and so forth) were NEVER declared Constitutional...

  3. Very coherent.  

    Sounds strange, but it does offer proof of where he was living, and that he was still living as of that date (for genealogy value). The other thing is an insight into the values of that time frame.

    Cool record.  I've never seen one like that.

  4. During that time frame watches were very expensive items. They were one of the most sought after items to take from Southerners while pillaging the Southern states during the war. Thousands made there way back to the North.

    They normally were made of gold too.

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