
1890's... society, culture, etc. Easy 10 points!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Does anybody have any information on the 1890's.

My questions are mainly:

How were people of different classes treated?

What was the distinction between classes?

How were women treated?

What was the attitude towards upperclass boys being good at playing instruments (like did they support it or did they think it was a sign of homosexuality?)

In America what was the attitude towards people of different races?

In the 1890's (1896 specifically) what were the popular songs - Operas, classical music, gospel?

What was considered beautiful in a woman?

Please give serious answers.




  1. 1890'S!

    How were people of different classes treated? they never spoke to each other!

    The distinction between classes? Snobs!

    How were women treated ? Very respectful, charming(only within the

    same classes)

    Upper class boys being good at playing instruments? they did support it , again , only within the (upper classes)

    In America, people of different races? treated like trash!

    Popular songs, or music ? Mainly operas.

    What was considered beautiful in a woman? Her hair , and quite

    voluptuos, with a sensual gratification.


    this may help u.

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