
18th century prostitue kortizan?

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Im trying to find out the name of a movie the girl was in love with a prince she was a peasant and they couldn't be together so her only option to be able to mingle around his social class was to become a kortizan which was an educated prostitue




  1. I cannot read the small print,but she must be rather old and exhausted by now,dear.

  2. I don't know of a movie such as you describe.  But there is a great novel by Emile Zola, "Camille" which portrays a women similar.

        And if you're not aware, in European High Society, Courtesans and Mistresses were considered necessary romantic outlets.  Nearly all marriages among the upper classes were arranged with only one thing in mind: the accruement or sustainment of wealth.

      There was nothing derogatory about such a life-style: nearly all of the royal houses and members of the nobility, sported such situations.

  3. Don't you mean courtesean?  Hmmm, For some reason the movies "Valmont" and "Dangerous Le Asions" come to mind, which are technically the same story behind it, but different actors playing the parts, even came out around the same time.  Their was an older movie out, back in the 30's I think called "Camille" They featured it on the first "Annie" movie.  But thats all I can really think of.

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