
18y/o wants a baby!?

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i have just turned 18 and recently become engaged to my boyfriend of 2 and a half years. i have a steady well paying job and cant shake this feeling of wanting a baby, it has just stuck and now its all i think about. Is this normal or am i being selfish?




  1. I would have a baby now,i had mine when i was 28 i wished i had them younger

  2. I'm 17 i have 3 kids all boys they are the best thing that has ever happened to me i think that if you and your man both think your ready go for it people are having kids younger for a reason who cares what all these haters say

  3. Honestly I would wait a bit. I had my daughter at 20 and it was very hard going, I mean it is hard at any age, you might as well live the life of a young person a bit more first. Give it a couple of years I reckon

  4. Some people just feel ready at a younger age, 18 isn't heaps young to have a baby but you should talk about it with your boyfriend to its not just your decision. Your not being selfish if its just a want but you shouldn't pressure him... :)

  5. You're not being selfish - you're just being an idiot. What the **** is wrong with you kids these days?  

  6. A baby is for life, not just for Christmas.

  7. I can understand how you feel, you arent being selfish at all. If you are serious about this you need to have a chat with fh first, if he is on board then great but if he isnt then you must respect that and dont let it ruin your relationship, there is plenty of time for it all in the future. Maybe if fh is wanting to wait something like 15 years (men can be a pain in the rear! lol) then you two will need to come to a compromise. I will tell you this though, I wish fh and I had waited until after we had gotten married before having children, dont get me wrong, I love our little ones but now we cant really afford the nice wedding I really wanted because nappies and the such are more of a priority atm.

    Good luck with your future and I hope you do what is right for the both of you =) x*x

  8. I think it is perfectly normal for a young woman to want a baby with the man she loves, however, it is not practical or wise.

    Once you have established a loving, stable home with your husband, then that is the time to welcome a new member into your family - not now just because you have a boy-friend and a job.

    Good Luck!

  9. As far as I'm concerned... Good on you!

    I disagree with the person above that says you are being an idiot.

    As long as you really think about it which I'm sure you have then I think you should go for it.

    Talk to your partner about it but try not to pressure him.


  10. It is normal. As soon as women hit puberty, like it or not, hormones  are meant to make you want to breed. The problem is that, regardless of how mature you are for your age, It is a really, really bad idea to try having a baby at 18 as you can't possibly have everything in your life stable and you haven't got enough experience in the world to have a baby.

    First of all, two and a half years may seem like a long time but it's still not long enough for you to judge his ability to a) be a father and b) stay in the relationship. If you are engaged that is a good sign, but wait until you have actually been married for a while (like a year) and have your life sorted out COMPLETELY. This doesn't just mean having a steady income.

    I'm sorry but the chances of you having a baby now and being a good mother is not high enough for you to risk it. Just wait a while, you can have a baby eventually but you'll be thankful of having waited now when you're older.

  11. I think that is pretty normal.  Today's society will pressure you to wait, mostly for the wrong reasons but u will get advice to the contrary.  I have seen a lot of people wait til their mid 30's and things weren't always that great for them.  It really depends on you.  Some people at 18 can be more mature than others at 35.

    I remember one gal in my home town who used to say, "I had four children before I was old enough to vote",  Voting age was 21 then.

    All the kids did just fine, college, etc.

    I guess it's tougher now but like I say, it is your decision.

    I just became a grandfather and sometimes I wished that had happened earlier.  I would have more energy when

  12. Do what you want, you will anyhow. No one has to live your life but you so you would only be hurting yourself.

    Why not get married first? Why not finish school first?

  13. You say you have a good job what about the father,he hasresponsibilitiess also, do you have your own house, car, cable ,insurance,every thing else that makes life enjoyable is marriage in the plans ahhh so much to ponder.My daughter did it at age 15 I raised her child then she came back home at 18, she is a good mom but lives off her parents!!! Oh well good luck in all you do. You are really never READY!

  14. dont listen to any bad comments!

    im 19 n a single mum to a 9 week old , he wasnt planned though im over the moon!

    i wasnt ready, not financially or mentally though i wouldnt give him up so easily now! i love him to bits though i wish i had him later (bout 25)

    if i wer u i would wait, get married, enjoy ur marriage! go on holidays n spend time together cos once a baby comes u wont have so much time together.

    i would get urself sorted, look for a house (if u havnt alrdy got one!) n c how u live with him. give it at least 2 yrs! u dont wna end up havin a kid then u break up after a yr, a kid needs stability (i know it might sound ironic coming from me since im a single mum, but more the reason y im tellin u)

    dont miss out on romantic vacations cos with a kid its gna b disney land over n over again :)

    there is no rush and i would suggest reading a lot about parenting before u start trying for a baby! it might make u change ur mind hehe

    whatever u decide good luck and go with ur instincts. becoming a mum is a full time job but rewarding in its own way :)

    take care! x

  15. No your not being selfish. I am 25 and have wanted a baby since I was your age. I have a steady job and love my boyfriend of a few years very much, but at the same time I love having my freedom to just do what ever I want.

    I love kids and I want to have as many as he will let me lol, but we need "us" time still.

    You will have that feeling forever, thats the great thing about being a woman. If you love kids you will crave them. Then once you are really ready you will be over will make a great mum. I can tell just from the way you asked your question.

    Good luck with your future and I hope children bring loads more love to your relationship.

  16. It's normal and within our biology to want babies but just make sure you're ready first.  Can you support the baby financially and emotionally?  How about when your child is 3 years old and running around not listening to you?  Will your boyfriend be sticking around for at least the next 18 years and 9 months?  Can you afford food, clothes, medical care, etc.?  Who will watch the baby while you work?

    The "average" American life with a decent house, 2 cars, a happy spouse and children is a lot tougher than it looks.
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