
19. The peace program known as the Fourteen Points was put forth by

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A. Wilson.

B. George.

C. Clemenceau.

D. Orlando.




  1. A. Wilson

    1. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at.

    2. Freedom of navigation on the seas.

    3. Removal of economic barriers and equality of trade conditions.

    4. Guaranteed reduction in armaments.

    5. Impartial adjustment of colonial claims.

    6. Evacuation of occupied Russian territories and fair treatment of Russia.

    7. Evacuation and restoration of Belgium.

    8. Evacuation and restoration of all French territory.

    9. Readjustment of Italy's border

    10. Guarantee autonomous development for Austria-Hungary.

    11. Restoration of territories of Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro.

    12. Assure sovereighnty to Turkish portions of Ottoman Empire and assure autonomy to other nationalities under Turkish rule. Free passage through Straits of Dardanelles.

    13. Establish an independent Poland.

    14. Formation of an association of nations to guarantee political independence and territorial integrity of all nations.

  2. Woodrow Wilson

  3. A wilson

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