
19 Weeks Pregnant ... bad cheese?

by Guest63043  |  earlier

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I’m 19 weeks pregnant and I just went to the store and bought Kraft shredded cheese and made cheese quesadilla’s with them… the cheese was sticking to my fingers which I thought was funny but I thought maybe b/c I drove home and it got a little melted in the car. But than I smelled the cheese after eating it and it smells a little funny. It doesn’t expire till November but it def did not smell right. Not sure what could be wrong with it, but now I’m worried… the best thing I can think is I heated it up and melted it… but if there is something wrong with the cheese could it harm the baby.




  1. first of all dont get freaked out by the people that say you can't eat soft cheese anyway blah blah. that only goes for soft cheeses that are UNPASTEURIZED.

    Your Kraft shredded cheese is definitely pasteurized and very processed. So no worries there!! If you live in the US - all cheese made here must be pasteurized so most fetas etc you can eat.

    I will agree that the cheese probably just doesnt smell good and you just notice it more now because you are pregnant and have a heightened sense of smell.

    As far as if you ate moldy cheese by accident dont worry about it. I accidently ate salad dressing that had mold on it and called the docs cuz I was nervous too. The nurse said, it's no problem. You will just digest it and that kind of fungus does not get passed onto the baby like listeria does. The ONLY way it could harm the baby is if you got severe diarhea and/or vomitting from bad food AND that caused dehydration...which is the real problem. So rest assured, you are A-OK.

  2. You are not supposed to eat soft cheese or blue cheese during pregnancy due to risks of harmful bacterias and diseases.

    These risks are even worse if the cheese is off.

  3. I think you are being a little paranoid. Its processed cheese, it doesn't smell good.  

  4. Don't think it could hurt your baby.  Did it make you sick? If not there was no food poisoning.  And if it wasn't molding it was probably just melted.  things taste and smell different when your pregnant.

  5. Usually when cheese is "bad" it molds. Otherwise cheese is considerd aged. I can't imagine what would have been wrong with cheese if not moldy. Cheese smells bad so it would be hard to tell by smelling of it.

    I wouldn't worry about it...

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