
19 month old still wakes up at night sometimes?

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sometimes my 19 month old will cry in the middle of the night and when i pick him up he just lays down on my shoulder then i lay him back down and hes fine... sometimes h jsut tosses and turns in his crib and starts to cry cause he cant sleep.... i dont let him cry to much because my husband works real early and i know its hard to sleep..any ideas what i should do or why he does this... or anyone elses baby do this?




  1. Getting your baby to sleep through the night isn't a measure of your parental skills.

    Expect frequent stirring at night. Babies often wriggle, squirm and twitch in their sleep. They can be noisy, too. Sometimes fussing or crying is simply a sign of settling down. Unless you suspect that your baby is hungry or uncomfortable, it's OK to wait a few minutes to see what happens.

    I did attachment parenting, where I had a family bed and the children sleep by my side.

    When they were first born, I strapped the crib, with the one side down to my side of the bed. When he would wake I would just roll over and could streach my arm out to the crib area and run his back, and he would fall back to sleep.

  2. give him a bath

    feed him and then put him to sleep...........see if that helps

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