
19 weeks Pregnant Bright Red Spotting after BM?

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I had a strenuous BM and after urinating I noticed the water had a pinkish tint which could be from the BM however I noticed when I wiped the front there was bright red spotting but only when I wiped. I had been cramping the last couple of days I saw my DR a few days ago he said it was normal "stretching" but of course this spotting was at 5:30pm today.. and the DR office says only to call if you are heavily bleeding/cramping. Which neither is really happening. Should I go to the ER? I am not spotting anymore just worried.




  1. So, was the blood from your a**s or v****a?  a**s?  Then use some nice wipes, like Charmin wipes for adults - and get yourself some Preparation H, take more fiber and drink more water.  If the blood is from your v****a, you need to call your doctor.

  2. sounds like possible hemorrhoids, get some Tucks and prep. H. Also, sometimes you can spot, like after strenuous exercise or even straining during a bowel movement (check the What to Expect book for details). If you continue to spot, go to Labor and Delivery to be sure everything is ok.But if the spotting stopped, most likely everything is ok.

  3. I would call your doc just to be on the safe side they usually have a answering service for after hour calls. Good luck!

  4. You could have caused an anal fissure or hemorrhoid which would cause bleeding. My doctor also told me that if you are constipated sometimes the stool itself can irritate the cervix (depending on it's location) and cause mild spotting. The only thing that separates your v****a from your bum is some tissues!

  5. i would say the spotting was from th BM.. u should be ok. just try not to strain so much..  

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