
19 weeks pregnant, sharp, shooting pain on top of right nipple. What gives?

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My b*****s have been tender from day one and I know this is a common symptom of pregnancy. However, for the past 2 or 3 days I have had this weird pain only in my right nipple. It begins at the top of my areola (spelling?) and shoots down to the center of my nipple. It is sort of a burning, tingly, stabbing sensation. If that makes any sense at all. Its beginning to get very annoying. It doesn't matter if I have a bra on or off, it still does it. I'd estimate that it does it around 10 to 12 times a day. Has anyone else experienced this? What is causing it? And is there anything I can do to stop the pain? Thanks in advance!




  1. doctor's again?

  2. This happened to me ... generally when I took a shower and massaged the area of discomfort it went away.  

  3. You may want to ask your ob about this one I have never heard this one before

  4. I'm guessing that it is something to do with your milk ducts opening up and the channels (can't think of the correct word) preparing to be used. If it concerns you then go and see your doctor just to be on the safe side, but it's probably just changes in breast tissue. I'm not a doctor though and any doctor would want to see you just to check. You could try putting a warm compress/flannel on it to see if that helps to ease it. Good luck with the little one x

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