
19 years old...need moms and moms to be advice...does it sound like i'm pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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if i have had period cramps for 3 days...and the first night of the cramps i put in a tampon thinking i was going to start and i pulled it out the next morning and all there was was a very light pink spot and some light brown spot...but it was so light. and now there hasnt been anything and i'm still cramping. i feel nauseas right now and off and on throughout the day, i feel really hot sometimes, my b***s have been sore for about a week, i have had the worst headaches ever and i either want something sweet only....or something salty only. its never happened before. i'm only 19 so i'm a little worried but does it sound like i'm pregnant? i took a pregnancy test about 4 mornings ago and it was i'm just kinda confused? any advice is welcome. thanks guys.

my period usually comes between 26-32 days...and its been 34 since my last period.




  1. I would do another test... i think you probably did it to early and cos your hcg levels might still be to low to detect that your pregnant and that's why it has come up negative!

    You also may want to go to the doctors cos i did three urine tests, and one blood test and all were negative, it wasn't until i had an internal ultrasound that it showed the sac!

    Good luck

  2. I would take another test, it may of been to early.

  3. um first off dont use a tampon unless u are bleeding. u can get infections. the only thing to do is retest.

  4. i'd say it sounds like you're pregnant. i had some of those things happen with me. i'd say wait another 5-7 days and test again. any second line no matter how faint is a line and does mean you're pregnant.

  5. It does sound like you are pregnant but to make sure wait a couple more days and take another test and just go on from there.

  6. Put your mind at rest and take another test - nobody is going to be able to tell you whether you are pregnant or not from the information given - I know it's a pain but take another home test or go and visit the doctor for a blood test - you won't stop worrying until you do. Good luck.

  7. you might be, i took a pregnancy test as soon as 10 days late and it was positive, you might want to wait another week or so and take one again. good luck.

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