if i have had period cramps for 3 days...and the first night of the cramps i put in a tampon thinking i was going to start and i pulled it out the next morning and all there was was a very light pink spot and some light brown spot...but it was so light. and now there hasnt been anything and i'm still cramping. i feel nauseas right now and off and on throughout the day, i feel really hot sometimes, my b***s have been sore for about a week, i have had the worst headaches ever and i either want something sweet only....or something salty only. its never happened before. i'm only 19 so i'm a little worried but does it sound like i'm pregnant? i took a pregnancy test about 4 mornings ago and it was negative....so i'm just kinda confused? any advice is welcome. thanks guys.
my period usually comes between 26-32 days...and its been 34 since my last period.