
1960s turquoise bathroom - are they really that bad, why should we scrap them just because

by Guest62781  |  earlier

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all these home programs say you have GOT to have a white suite. Mine is a good quality heavy duty bath. I have already outed the yellow downstairs loo for white but I want to keep my turquoise bathroom and compliement it with a nice redecoration. Is it really that naff, does it really knock value off your house.




  1. If you like it then keep it.  You are the one who has to live with it.  Unfortunately, were you to sell your house, a new buyer may not share your taste and would probably prefer a neutral palette.

  2. whilst you're living there, you should have the things there that you want,,, if you want to sell, i would swap it for a white one at the time, just a cheapy to make it look more desirable


  3. If you love it - make it work!! Keep the turquoise and paint a neutral or complimenting color - add towels, shower curtain and other accessories in colors that either compliment or contrast - it'll look great! Personally , I love bold fun colors, don't let "trends" lead you!

  4. If you like it that's all that matters.

    I am capable of making my own decisions, and I'm sure you are too.

    I don't need other peole to tell me what I should have in my home.

  5. It may be lovely to you , but for selling purposes the chances of a buyer with your taste could be on the slim side  

  6. i dont know...

    if you like it that color than keep it like that, but you might wanna paint it a more neutral color when you decide to sell.

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