
1968 my father build a septic system following directions & it is great. i need to know how that was build.?

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1968 my father build a septic system following directions & it is great. i need to know how that was build.?




  1. Well, that depends on the location of your system, what area of the country you live.

    Basically you NEED to have a permit to install the system.  Contact your local health department and they will give you the instruction you need.  depending on the area you can install the system yourself, or you might me required to have a certified contractor install it.

    the system, in order to work properly must be installed 24 inches above the seasonal high water table, if not you won't be able to use your system during heavy rains or when the water table is high. (either it will back up into the house or surface in the backyard, neither of which is pleasant)

    a system usually requires 150 linear feet of gravel per bedroom.  In a trench designed system the gravel is placed so that the bottom does not exceed 30 inches below the surface and is also 24 inches above the SHWT.  6 inches of gravel is placed in a 12 inch trench then a perferated pipe is laid on top of the gravel, level or with no more then 1 inch fall per 50 feet.  then gravel is placed around and over to have a total of 12inches from bottom to top.  On the top of the gravel either hay, straw or trated paper is place to prevent the soil from infiltrating the gravel.  then soil is placed ove the top to the surface.  this soil will settle over time so usually more is placed over the top to allow for this.

    Depending on your locations, there are certain setback requirements to surface water, potable well, property lines etc.  Again since a permit is required by the health department you will know these when you recieve the permit.

    I hope this helped

  2. If you are planning to put in a septic system, you have to follow your county directions on that.  Although the process of how septic has not changed for eons, putting in a system has radically changed and they have become far more efficient.

  3. If you can find Encyclopedia's from the 50's there will be detailed instructions.


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