
1972 summit series. Canada/russia?

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Why was this series significate in canada's history? I know this was more then a hockey series i just can't put it in words.




  1. Well, it was the first time the best players from the USSR who were the most dominant team in international hockey (World championships and Olympics) against the best players from Canada. At international tournaments, Canada sent amateurs who weren`t playing in the NHL. So we didn`t know who was the best team. Also the fact that the Soviets crushed them and that Canada won barely the series 4-3-1 showed that the Soviets were a good team and that there wasn`t that big of difference between NHL all-stars and Soviets players.

  2. Didn't you ask this same question yesterday? LOL;...


  4. Contrary to popular opinion it wasn't a series between the two best hockey country's in the world at the time. It was a Challenge series between the USSR and the NHL. Some of the best players from Canada weren't in the series. The WHA was in existence at that time and players in that league weren't invited. Most notably was Bobby Hull.

    It was a series played between a bunch of egotistical over weight out of shape Canadian hockey players and a keen group of Russian players who had nothing to lose and everything to win.

    As it was the best Canadian players in this tourney were not stars in the NHL but journeymen players who had to work to keep their edge and were actually in better shape than their Canadian teammates.

    All in all it was an interesting hockey exhibition that always creates controversy when brought up today. Even to the point where a mediocre journeyman hockey player is mentioned as a possible member of the Hall of Fame for 1 shift of glory.

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