
1977 elizabeth 2 dg.regfd?

by  |  earlier

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coin the size of a 50 cent piece




  1. What colour is it, and what is the number on it?

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    the dg is a latin abbreviation and means 'by grace of God'

    regfd means 'queen, defender of the faith'.

    It sounds as if it is a commemorative medal minted for the Queen's silver jubilee in 1977 (25 years as monarch)

  2. For those who do not know what you are talking about, could you please translate it into English ?

  3. 1977 = Minted in the year1977

    Elizabeth = The Queen depicted on the coin

    2 = the 2nd Queen Elizabeth.  The first was King Henry 8ths daughter.

    DG = die gratia [or very similar] latin for "by the grace of god"

    REG = regina Latin for "queen" ["Rex" for "king" on a Kings coin]

    FD: sometimes FID DEF = again Latin for defender of the faith.  The monarch is nominal head of the Church of England as is expected to defend it.

    The exact coin? I'd have to see it.  Is it round or the same shape as a 50c piece? and what design is on the other side?

  4. Could you describe the image on it ??

  5. This question is appearing on the United Kingdom site. I have no idea what currency you are referring to by saying "50 cent piece" - it could be anything.

    Coins in the United Kingdom, always show a portrait of the Monarch. Since 1953 all coins have depicted an image of our beloved Queen. The legend (the words around the image) have been in Latin since ancient times (we have had a Monarchy for over 1000 years). The description does not say "elizabeth 2" but Elizabeth II and the abbreviations are Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Denfensor : Elizabeth the Second, By the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith. Without more information, I cannot guess which particular coin you are referring to. The last title of Her Majesty, "Defender of the Faith" is the most interesting. These days, the Monarch is Head of the Church of England, but the title Defender of the Faith is a Papal Honour, awarded to Henry VIII for his defence of the Catholic Faith.  It has been used by every Monarch since Henry.

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