
1977 english radio was interrupted by an alien Vrillon:Is this real????

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1977 english radio was interrupted by an alien Vrillon:Is this real????




  1. Newsflash many years later, no.

    It was not real.

  2. At the bottom of the Wikipedia entry for Vrillon, there's a link to a recording of the broadcast.

    It's not accurate to say that "English" radio was interrupted. First, because it was a TV news bulletin that was interrupted. Second, because "The Voice of Vrillon" was heard only on one TV channel in one small area on the south coast of England. For readers in the USA, the impact would be roughly equivalent to the broadcast being heard during the evening news of the CBS affiliate in Akron.

    One would have thought that, having come all the way they did, the Ashtar Galactic Command could have managed something a bit more spectacular than that.

    I'm also intrigued by the fact that the interruption was recorded by somebody. What sort of nuts make audio recordings of TV news broadcasts in the hope that aliens might interrupt?

  3. If i'm thinking about the same thing you are, it was just an advertisement for the original movie War of the Worlds.

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