
1981 Chevy Citation 2.5L L4 with 36,000 miles?

by Guest67103  |  earlier

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Car will start for about 5-6 seconds, stumble and die, then not start again. Replaced spark plugs/wires, distributor cap/rotor, ignition module/coil, starter, and have a fully charged battery along with rebuilt carburetor. Have spark at plugs but spark plugs get soaked in gasoline and engine floods. Was told to check valve timing and ignition timing. Never done this before. Any help?




  1. wet plugs.theres ur sign....carb....float is sticking.[needle valve] or float has filled with gas keeping gas pouring in......all assuming you have good spark.

  2. Who did the rebuild on the carburetor?  They did something wrong and it's running way too rich.  Since it starts and runs until it overloads, the value and ignition timing are in the ball park.

    Talk to them about fixing the problem.

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