
1985 ford bronco 2 dies going down the road.?

by  |  earlier

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it also dies sometimes just sitting at a red light. I've changed out the fuel pump, dist. cap, rotor, plugs, plug wires, and fuel filter and it still dies without any warning.I'mm baffled. Its a 2.8lit ree 6Clyl.anysuggestionss would be appreciated.




  1. Ah yes. The ol' West German V6. How I miss them. I had a 1985 Ranger that had the 2.8 V6. I loved that engine. Aside from the noisy mechanical lifters, it was an excellent engine.

    It dies without any warning. At some point it is going to die and not restart for you. What you are dealing with is the Dura-Spark ignition module. This is a silver box about 5"X5" mounted under the hood on the driver side fender. (At least it was on the Ranger). It will have 2 maybe 3 pig tails coming off it.

    Pay attention to the color of the molded plastic where the wires go into it. The parts counterman may ask you what color it is. If it is blue then it is referred to as a "Blue Duraspark module". However, I think most of them are replaced with something different. So don't be alarmed if it isn't replaced with one of a different color.

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