
1986 boston celtics or 1996 chicago bulls?

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which team do you think would win in a best of 7 series between the two teams? Both of them were really dominant especially on their home floor.




  1. The 86 Celtics would destroy the Bulls.

    A front line, in their prime, of Parrish, McHale, Bird and (for once in his life a healthy) Bill Walton?  Are you kidding me?

    Celtics in 4.  That was by far the greatest front line ever assembled in NBA history.  Rodman would be totally ineffective... he can't guard Bird, and he wouldn't be able to rebound against Parrish and McHale.  

    Who's Luc Longley gonna guard?   LOL

    Who's Steve Kerr gonna guard?  Danny Ainge could shoot from outside AND put the ball on the floor, which means Steve Kerr would be useless.

    Dennis Johnson's career was also of HOF quality.  So it's like having five Hall of Famers on your team, vs. two HOFers on the Bulls.   Even if you count MJ as two HOFers, it's still 5 to 3.

    The 96 Bulls dominated a very weak NBA... The NBA was much stronger in 1986 before teams like Toronto and Vancouver were added.

    It's only because of teams like Toronto and Vancouver that the Bulls were even able to go 72-10.

    Dalton, you've obviously not been following the NBA for very long if Jordan-Pippen-Rodman is the best trio you've ever seen.

  2. BULLZ

    cuz if you think itz the celtz then itz BULLshit!!!

  3. 86 celtics. that year they won the championship

  4. i would have to go with 96 bulls. Pippen-Jordan-Rodman is the best three i have EVER seen. Rodman has lock-down defense... Jordan has...well everything, and Pippen has 3's kinda seems similar to another threesome... o yeah last years celtics... Allen-Garnett-Pierce? the only thing they didnt have was that garnett isnt as good as jordan. Between the 86 birds and the 96 bulls id pick the bulls in 6

  5. That 1996 Bulls team won the Championship along with a unprecedented 72-10 season.

    Not only that but Michael Jordan is the most dangerous player in basketball history. Not doubt the '86 team was also a championship winning team, and no doubt Larry Bird is as skilled as it gets. But Michael Jordan is in a league of his own. Keep in mind that Jordan scored 63 points on Bird's Celtics, at the Boston Garden. And defensively, he's an incredible on-ball defender.

    Also keep in mind that Jordan's Bulls are the only team EVER in NBA History to have won championships without a dominant big man.

    I think the key difference is that while the Celtics and Bulls are both dominant on their home floor, Jordan is even better at closing out Away Games. He did it with his 63 points against at the Celtics, he did it in '98 with his famous crossover on Byron Russell to seal his 6th ring, and so on.

  6. !(**^ 1986 Boston rules

  7. 86' Celtics. they would decimate the Bulls,

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