
1991 Ford Ranger - what's the problem?

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I bought the car in December, and before it ever hit the road, it started having troubles starting. Friends and do gooders decided it was the fuel pump. I bought a new fuel pump and brought it to a mechanic to install. The mechanic said, nope, it's just some wires and faulty connections and he cleaned and fixed that. In the meantime, the car won't pass smog testing and I have to get a new gas tank neck installed. I buy that, and have it installed, my step father's mechanic does this work. But I can't pump gas into it without it taking 30 minutes. So I take it in, and my mechanic (different than my stepfather's mechanic) says the neck is wrong and replaces it with a new neck and reinstalls it. While it's in the shop, I have them replace the timing belt...I thought that was important, it has almost 300k miles on it! So I get it out of the shop, and the thing is's a stick shift. So I bring it back and the mechanic says it could be a tooth off, so he realigns the timing belt but says the spark plugs are bad. I drive it to work ONE DAY and it stops on the way home, jerking and sizzling and crackling all the way, finally it gives out in the middle of the road. So I go and buy new spark plugs and new connecting cords, by advice of Auto Zone, and meet my car which has been towed, at home. Then I discover a white disgusting powdering spill on the ground under the battery and looking back over the path of the car on the way home, it seems the battery leaked every where on the way home. I have now removed the battery thinking I need to replace it, and I have spark plugs and a new fuel pump which have not been used. I do not want to spend all my summer income (I'm only 17) on my car, but this is what is happening. What is really wrong with my car, and what parts should I take back to the store? additional note, before the car went in to get the timing belt changed, my step father "flushed" my radiator with water for about 3 or 5 mintues. The radiator was very rusty, and we did not add any special fluid. just water. It is about 90 degrees here in the day, up to about 95 degrees. Any ideas? I've tried to tell the whole story for needed details. Hope you have enough information. thanks in advance.




  1.   As a former Ranger owner; I agree with all of the advice telling you to be rid of it.  The problem with the battery is distinct, and in no way related to the plugs, and of timing.  The fuel fill line also distinct.  The other problems may be related.  Loose it, that is the Ranger!

  2. I wish you would have asked yahoo answers if you should have bought that truck in the first place! That truck will keep asking you for money. 300k miles is ALOTT. Sell it while you can. By a moped.  

  3. =time to take her in the back forty and putt her out of her misery and yours=

  4. I HATE to tell You this, but it's a 1991 Ford Ranger - & THAT's the Problem!  Any chance You can buy another Vehicle that won't waste any MORE of your Time or Money ? It's your ONLY hope... :(

  5. There are a lot of miles on the vehicle. A lot of parts are wearing out. It could be a lot of different things causing the problems.  You should have an owners manual. Check it to see if you dont need a 50=50 mixture of water and anti-freee in the radiator.  If no manual, call a Ford deeler and ask to speak to the service manager .  Ask him about the radiator fluid. He should know.

  6. The problem with your truck is NOT 1991 FORD  but it is Incompetent  Mechanics. After installing the timing belt he should have road test your truck. Not park it for you to road test and find out its a tooth off.Take your truck to some one who will diagnose the cause before buying any parts. After he finds the problem then buy the parts and fix the problem.Have some one check the Cat. converter it might be defective.Falling apart and bunches up at the neck while under pressure and when the engine shut off the pieces fall down and it starts again. A quick easy test get a rubber mallet and hit on converter if you hear some thing rattling that means it is defective. Or you can do it the right way Pressure test Exhaust system.        

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