
1994 pontiac grand am?

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I have a 1994 pontiac grand am and one of the cylinders is broken and i was wondering if i removed the spark plug from the broken cylinder if it would be able to run and drive?




  1. In what way is the cylinder broken? If it runs and drives now, it will still run and drive later, it's just a matter of for how long. A cracked cylinder wall or a piston with a hole in it won't allow any compression to build up so you've already lost the power produced by that cylinder. If you have a hole in the side of the cylinder wall your oil and coolant are probably mixing. If so, it won't last long. To repair it you can sometimes have the block sleeved but usually the block has to be replaced, normally by replacing the entire short block. All that you will do by pulling the plug out of it is make it louder from all the air and fuel being forced out the spark plug hole. This is also a good way to start it on fire-gas and extreme heat like the heat of your exhaust manifolds do not get along well. The outcome is often times explosive.

    Now, if you have a broken CYLINDER HEAD, the oil and water are probably still mixing, but, it's much easier to replace the head than to replace the whole engine.

  2. how do you know its broken...take it to a shop!
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