This one's juicy.. My 95 Camry's drivers door locks shut and will not open either electrically Yet, if I tap under the door lock ( with a fist or rubber mallet, or keep trying the key back and forth, it will eventually open ( sometimes up to 15 minutes trying). The lock cylinder is fine, the door lever seems fine. Is there an adjustment on the lock mechanism or am I springing for a new lock mechanism for about $ 250.00. The solenoid is ok because you hear it acuating. This mostly happens when I don't give the door a good hard push to close. I'd like to be able to lock it up once again ( It's been a few years now and I'm finally getting tired of this. I'm the only driver an used to it but, do have my days. Anyone know the fix. I get the feeling I'm going to hear, replace the door lock mechanism... In addition Their isn't much ajustment on the
latch on the door pillar. ( That seems fine) Thank You....!!