i have a 1997 ford taurus with 146,000 miles on it. when the transmission warms up, when i take off from 1st, it doesnt shift for a while and the speedo just stays all the way at 0 until i really give it the gas, then it shifts, but i really have to get the RPM's up there for it to shift. sometimes, it downshifts when im on the city streets. also, i was going off from a red light on a main road and the car was not going anywhere for a few seconds, and it was slipping. then when i got to the store, i smelled something burning? clutches? btw, its an automatic, like all taurus's are. its fine when its cold. also i have this problem where its really hard to move the column shifter!! its annoying. anyways, what should i do? should i junk the car?