
1998 evinrude 150 ficht engine

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My boat has a 150 Evinrude ficht engine with weak spark. It cranks normally but won't fire. Fuel pressure is normal and the stop switch appears to function normally. Any ideas or similar experiences? Thank you all in advance for any help you can offer.




  1. No spark any cylinder?

    Main fuse on that motor shuts off power to the keyswitch -- the starter wouldn't spin.

    First rule out the kill circuit by disconnecting the black/yellow wire from the powerpack and try again.  If you get spark now, it means the kill wire is accidently grounded somewhere in the circuit;  troubleshoot the keyswitch, kill switch and wiring harness.

    Alternatively, you could disconnect the big red main wiring harness plug and jump the solenoid, but note you will have no way to shut the engine off if it starts, so have all plug leads disconnected and grounded.

    Next step requires a multimeter with a DVA (direct voltage adapater).  Measure powerpack output, should be at least 150V peak AC.  Stator output to powerpack, also should be 150V.

  2. do you have a blown fuse, are the plugs overgapped????

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