
1999 UK Ford Focus engine oil query

by  |  earlier

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When I had the bonnet up on my ford focus 1.8 petrol (Zetec E) I noticed at the front of the engine near where the cylinder head cover joins the top of the engine it looked like there was grease or oil there which I wiped off onto some paper and it looked jet black. I was alarmed to see this although I don't think I have any engine oil leaks as I check the dipstick once a week and the level doesn't change much. I am wondering if it could be from where oil may have been spilt on previous oil changes at the garage. Or could it be from when the timing belt was changed.

Any ideas are welcome ,thanks.




  1. It's either from overspill as you said, or a leak in the cam cover gasket - very cheap & simple to fix.

  2. best to steam clean it...tighten tappet cover bolts....

    then check for leaks...

  3. You just have a small leak, thats nothing major to worry about. I mean the car is what-9 years old now? Its bound to start having a leak here or there. Just keep a eye on it, as long as its not losing a whole lot of oil at once i really wouldnt worry about it.  

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