
1999 volkswagon passat help?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i have a 99 passat, and im just wondering firstly how many miles can the 1.8t go? im at 108,000 right now and im just worried about any major problems just around the corner. secondly im wondering when you turn the key over and all the lights on the dash pop on just to show you they work, are ALL suppose to? cuz one of mine arnt.. (the brakes one that tells me when my brakes are bad) and if its suppose to come on, what fuse is it? or why isnt it? thanks so much




  1. The brake warning light doesn't come one with all the other lights.  If you want to test it you would need to unplug one of the sensors at a brake pad and jump the two wires.  Then start the car and the light should come on.

    Your car should run at least 200,000 miles, sometimes 300,000 miles.  Your timing belt was due at 85-90,000 miles.  If that breaks, the repair will exceed the value of your car.

    Most important thing with volkswagens is having a qualifed person fixing and maintaining your vehicle.  As soon as you let some Hack work on your car, your vehicle starts going downhill.  Mostly from the use of aftermarket parts.

  2. i have a 1.8 t jetta with 218k on it . take care of it and it will take care of you.

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