
1)How much can salaries decrease within the next 10 years for physicians?

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2)How likely is it that I can make 200K in a medicine subspecialy in 10 years?




  1. Answer #2 is completely right.  If Obama gets his way and forces Socialized health care on us, it will be extremely difficult, based on what we have seen in other nations that choose Socialism.  If we are "allowed" to stay free, however, you will be rewarded for your hard work, intelligence, talent, and dedication, and shouldn't have a hard time making over 200k.

  2. That should be pretty easy to do.  

  3. Depends if medicine is socialized. In Canada medical personel are leaving the industry do to low pay. Many are coming to the US for higher paying jobs and the lines for medical care in Canada are getting longer.

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