
1Year old and zyrtec???

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My son was just prescribed 1/2 tsp. of children's zyrtec for seasonal allergies and I was just wondering if anyone else has had their baby on it and if it helped at all and the overallness of the med. Also how was the drowsiness factor if at all? THXS




  1. My little boy was on zyrtec as a baby.  It helped with the allergies, and I did not notice any unusual sleepiness.  

  2. My oldest son was also prescribed it. Around the same age too. It works wonder the only down side was he got tired so I switched & gave it to him at night it works for 24 hrs so there wasn't a problem with it.

  3. My son was prescribed 1/2 tsp of Zyrtec at 5 months (he is currently almost 10 months).  He also was prescribed Pulmicort and Albuterol.  The Pulmicort was supposed to be twice a day for two weeks and then one time per day indefinately.  The Zyrtec was indefinately and the Albuterol is as needed.  He had RSV at 3 months and had continued wheezing  and was seeing an allergist for potential allergies.  The allergist is the one that prescribed the medication.  He was a spitter to begin with and when he took the Zyrtec his spitup was very acidic.  He only took it for about a week.  THe Pulmicort I gave him for several weeks and when the wheezing stopped I quit giving it to him. I wasn't very keen on giving it to him unless absolutely needed as it is a steriod I dont know if the meds helped him or if it was a combo of the meds and us removing all the carpet from our house and putting in hardwood (my hubby has severe allergies too and the carpet removal helped him drastically).  I would say if he can do well without i would try not to keep him on the meds unneccessarily but if he does well on the meds and needs them then continue them.  

    We also had 3 foster children ages 1, 3, and 4 and they were all on Zyrtec without any problems.

    You know your child best (better than the doctors) and you have to take a proactive role in his care because if you leave it up to the doctors the child will end up on 47 medications.  Don't be afraid to tell the doctor how you feel.

  4. my little girl started on that at 6 months and did great and she never got sleepy on it but she is finally on singular but it worked great till she was old anoth for singular but i would recommened it for small kids as my little girl stopped getting sick with it not that she got sick but her allergies did not act up  

  5. My oldest son was on Zyrtec and it helped for a long time until his body adjusted to it.  He was started on it at 18 months for really bad seasonal allergies.  My other son is on Claritan

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