
1m 13 and should i be mad at her for not giving me a hand***?

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last night i was at my neighbors house...and she is a girl that goes to my school and her friend was over...i also used to date this girl....and she was what i would call a horndog that night. and she was talki to this guy she liked and asked with all seriousity if he wanted to bang her...and asked to do it sometimes and he said no...then she told me to whip my pe*** out and let her give me a hand***... i said ok...but then she was like no i better not...even though i already whipped it out and got a b*****...i kno i shouldnt be mad..but i dont kno what to do...because that brought back old memories of when we used to go




  1. You don't need those you are 13! Take a cold shower!

  2. why is the in the Halloween section?

  3. dude, im 13 and ive never even like done any of that stuff. ur wayy to young!  

  4. You should be concentrating on algebra.

  5. if she offered, theres a reason for it, shes just hesitent and didnt know how to say it. and if its bringing back those memories and they are affecting you then you probably still have feelings for her. id say try and win her back. also, she offered that while her friend was there? if so 3 way that ******

  6. tthis is no surprise the wold freakin is doing things like this.God bless. no dont be madd just waitt your too young anyways

  7. Don't know what this all has to do with halloween but i guess it sounds pretty scary.Way to young for this stuff,and she don't sound like much,so forget it and move on,boy.

  8. wayyyy to young for that c**p. slow down and dont do that stuff in the first place.

  9. Um.

    You're 13, bud.

    You definitely shouldn't be mad.  Regardless of age though, it's the girl's choice if she wants to or not, and you shouldn't be mad at her just because she said no.  She was probably uncomfortable with it, or maybe she was being a tease.  Who knows.  Either way, you're 13 freaking years old, you shouldn't be giving each other hand-jobs!  Slow down and enjoy the time before the pressure to get naked and sexual gets too intense, because, trust me, as you get older the girls get skankier and the boys get hornier.  You'll get your hand-job, but when the girl wants to and you're both at an appropriate age.

  10. Get a life!

  11. wat the h**l

    u are 13

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