
1st birthday pary?

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Did you have a first birthday party for your little one? Are you glad you did it/ was it stressful?? I'm having one for my daughter, but would like to ask for money as a gift, so I can get her things I know she needs/will like and was then going to send thank you cards with a photo of her playing with whatever the money bought her, then put any leftover in her trustfund. What's a polite way of asking for money instead of presents?? Any other tips gratefully received!




  1. we had a party, just had family bbq and went with her cousin, whos the same age to a soft play area. we enjoyed it she slept though part of bbq, but i would of felt bad if we didnt have one, i guess it was for us really as she doesnt remember.

    no one would be offended if you asked for money for her trust fund, we do this every year, relatives like this as they dont have to worry what to buy.

    a polite note on invite, saying she has lots of toys, if they would like they can donate to her trustfund.

  2. well first thing for everything is wonderful.. I have no babies of mine yet, but i can imagine the feeling for u.. I think u should have the 1st b-day for ur baby.. & have loads of snaps of it.. After wards you can make an album of it.. I do that for all occassions its my hobby. Anyhow.

    If you have any particular things in mind y dont u go for b-day gift registry at 2-3 places.. In that way it wont be a burden on others & u will have variety of things from different places that u need. Or while sending your invitation cards ask your near family members, relatives & friends for "no gift boxes please" & put the card of the gift registry where u have register..  & Have a blast b-day for the lil one.. :)

    & if u dont like this idea. Just go with the traditional way.. return those gifts afterwards..  :D

  3. It's more a mums party than a babies one at that age.   Your main problem is embarrassing mums who can't afford to give much, and are worried about how this might appear.  You need to find a way of reassuring everyone.

    At Greek weddings, money is pinned to the bride and groom as they dance.  Why not do something similar? I would substitute a large soft toy as the thing to pin the money to, and the guests could go and pin the money at any time (provide a tub of dressmaker pins).  If you suspect any of your guests are really struggling financially, give teddy a bucket for coins too.  Send a letter on the invitations, saying how you are going to do it.  Many will be relieved they don't have to go out and find your child a present.

    Don't forget to provide a small set of refreshments for the mums too - it's a great opportunity for you all to get to know each other.

  4. i asked this exact same question. I'm glad i had a one for my son, it was only small as he doesn't really understand yet. I think it's a bit dodgy asking people for money for your baby's birthday as most people like buying toys or clothes for them. i suppose though if you wanted you could ask them to buy some things that your baby really needs and only a couple of play things.

    I also suggest just family and close friends there at the party so it isn't too overwhelming for baby. Good luck

  5. Really awkward in my opinion to ask for isn't a baby shower....people enjoy buying toys for little ones...or clothes...but to be told to give money for neccesities is a bit off. Keep it small as baby won't even remember...just family and very close friends. You've got YEARS of this coming up!

  6. I dont have any children but I imagine that you have to have a first birthday party for any child, its not like they will have the chance again. Personally I would not like to be asked to give money rather than a present. I like to take time to get presents and put thought into what would suit the child or what they might like. If people ask what to give then maybe then say well money would be nice so we can get her whatever you have in mind.
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