
1st prenatal doctor's appointment set for week 12? ?

by Guest45289  |  earlier

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I am 7 weeks exact today, I called to make my first appointment b/c I just got my insurance card in the mail, and I will not see the doctor until I'm 12 weeks along!! Should I change doctors because 12 weeks seems to late for a 1st appointment I always thought they wanted to see patients as soon as they find out they are pregnant!

or should I just wait out the next 5 weeks?




  1. I believe it's standard for most appointments to fall between 10-12 weeks unless you have health factors that would indicate being high risk, or if you are experiencing problems.  I know my doctor's office doesn't see patients until at least 8 weeks, and since you are already 7 weeks, the extra 5 weeks was probably the first opening they had for non-emergency visits.  If you are having problems or are concerned about something that's going on and feel you need to be seen sooner, give the doctor a call and they'll usually get you in if they feel you need to be seen because of a problem.  Otherwise, hang in there and wait it out..... by the time your due date gets here, you'll be extremely tired of doctor's appointments!!

    Congrats on the baby and many blessings on a healthy happy pregnancy!!

  2. Commonly they don't want to see you until you are nearing the end of the first trimester! Totally normal, if anything happens in the 5 weeks though, make sure you see a doctor!

  3. I had my first appt at week 12 also. I felt the same way as you then everyone on here (answers) said its normal, I guess they want you to get past the miscarriage stage. Which can still happen but is more unlikely. I just wanted to say, make sure you take your husband/boyfriend to the appt with you, my husband missed out on seeing the baby on the monitor all moving around. I didn't really know what my first appt would have in store. Wish he had been there. Good luck!  

  4. Ten to twelve weeks is normal.  The only thing I would be concerned about it the prenatal vitamins.  My doctor called a prescription in to the pharmacy so I could start taking them right away.  If they didn't do that you might call them and ask about it.  But I wouldn't worry about waiting until week 12 for the actual appointment.

  5. 12 weeks is actually pretty common for the first appointment.  If this is a doctor you've seen before and like him or her, I'd just wait it out - chances are, any other clinic would wait as long.  Congrats!!

  6. No, a lot of doctors like to wait that long just to make sure the pregnancy sticks, for lack of a better word. In the first few weeks is when most miscarriages happen, and most can't be prevented. It'll be ok to wait til 12 weeks.

  7. Completely normal...

  8. It's a common misconception that doctors want to see you as soon as you find out you're pregnant.  They can't really locate the heartbeat, or consistently find the baby on an ultrasound until about 10 weeks, so that's really the best time for them to start seeing you.  My doctor's office does the first visit at 8-10 weeks.  12 seems a little late as it is the last week in your first trimester, but I think you will be fine.  If anything seems wrong, call and speak with a doctor about it, but in the first trimester, it's kind of like,whatever happens happens.  Congratulations!

    Edit:  For prenatal vitamins, you don't need a prescription.  Doctors prescribe the exact ones you buy over the counter at any drug store.  But get on those right away if you're not yet!

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